Nice to me you, I'm Beau.
Graduating with a computer science degree was not something I planned, let alone becoming a full stack engineer. After straying away from a veterinarian career path in my second year of community college, I was exposed to computer science for the first time. I wouldn't label myself a standout developer yet, but I'm relentlessly improving every day to become one. I've realized I love learning different things, and building web apps has indirectly encouraged that. They aren't necessarily constrained to a certain industry or field, so whenever I want to learn something new, I can build a web app alongside it.
I graduated in December 2019 and have been persistently looking for a full-time position since. Although I don't have any professional development experience yet, I'm confident and excited to put my skills at an industry level.
My Tech Stack

There's been plenty of times when I'm with friends or family, and we cannot collectively decide on a place to eat at. What tends to happen is that one person starts randomly naming restaurants while some swipe left(say no) and others swipe right(say yes). Pihp forces everyone to be a bit more decisive through a draft and an assortment of information.

Type Racing Game
I've always loved typing games ever since I had to practice typing in elementary computer lab. It was also racecar themed, which made me practice more so I can get the cooler and faster cars. Fast forward to university, I had an opportunity to create a browser typing game with three other classmates. It was fun because I had awesome classmates, but we only designed it as a solo game. After graduation, I decided to take it one step further and make it multiplayer to refine and expand my back-end skill set.

Music Platform Application Program Interfaces(APIs)
Ever wondered how music applications like Spotify or iTunes work behind the scenes? For my back-end engineering university course, we essentially pretended we were working for the companies that created them. My group replicated how we think those applications function. On top of that, responsibilities and tasks were formally divided by our professor to the role(developer, operations) we assigned ourselves.

Network Protocols
Not often did I have to care about how my data is transferred, during both coding and casually using the internet. Having to work at a lower layer of the networking system has provided perspective on where and how my data is traveling. The biggest takeaway after learning about the different protocols is how exceptional they perform under the right use case.